Minggu, 09 September 2018

Novel Putih Biru

Name              : I Putu Yatra Kencana
NIM                : 2015103003
Subjects          : Literary Appreciation
Putih Biru
A      Anatomy:
-          Page                 : 508
-          Publisher         : June 2018
-          Writer              : Arya Lawa Manuaba
-          ISBN                : 978-602-51480-1-9
B       Synopsis:
          Made Sanjaya is a smart person. He has an older brother named Wayan Darsana and his mother named Surasmi. When Made was born, he had no father; his father had died from drowning. Made Sanjaya is a good and smart boy; he participates in the mathematics Olympiad. However, there are friends who are very jealous with Made sanjaya, they are Ketut Sujana, Putu Bandiyasa, and Gede Sudarsika. Made Sanjaya also have good friends, they are Komang Adi, Putu Yasa, Darma, Jayanti, and Nyoman Antari. They always support and motivate Made Sanjaya, there are many tragedies that get by Made Sanjaya.
          Made Sanjaya is beaten on the street by a mysterious person who makes Made Sanjaya bruises. There is a sad moment, Darsana tells to Made Sanjaya, that he is not his older brother; however, he is a child adoptive. Made also knows that his father gives him a necklace that is deposited by Dasrsana before his father died. Although Made looks so good, he ever fights with Ketut Sujana in the field that causes Ketut Sujana not able to fight Made Sanjaya. However, his mother wants Made Sanjaya to apologize with Sujana.
          The next day, Made Sanjaya is burned his dead flower plants in the field, however, Made Sanjaya sees Sujana, Bandi, and Sudarsika. They plan to persecute Made Sanjaya. Made Sanjaya runs, however, Bandi and Sudarsika capture Made Sanjaya and submit to Ketut Sujana. Sujana persecutes Made Sanjaya until he coughs blood. They run because of fea. But, Bandi helps Made to go home. On the way home, Made and Bandi are followed by two mysterious men; they carry swords and their eyes like cat’s eyes. They run and rain, finally the mystery person catches Made and Bandi. Mystery person is Januraga.
C      Point of  View: Third Person
D      Setting:
-          In the rice field, forests, schools, and homes
-          In the morning, afternoon, nite.
-          This story moves forward
E       Figure of Speech:
-          Metaphor :    
Dia memang bocah empat belas tahun yang mendadak menjadi robot super sibuk
“bagaimana gunung berapi bernama Made Sanjaya itu menjelma menjadi raksasa puber yang murka”
matematika tidak sampai mengubah watak Made menjadi robot terminator yang tandus”
anak perempuan berkaca mata bisa menjadi wanita-wanita terminator sadis berwajah manis”

-          Personification :
Dua tas plastik yang padat itu bergoyang mengikuti irama kakinya
“Otakmu kepenuhan?”
Sejurus tawa mendadak memecah deru arus sungai
Tawa Made meletup di balik senyumnya
Komang Adi tiba-tiba membelah suara tawa itu
mengerami rasa jengkel di balik bibirnya.”
kerajaan ekosistem sawah atau spesies-spesies langka seperti klipes dan pici-pici

F       Characters:
Made Sanjaya is main character
Made Sanjaya is a good person and loves to help their friends. He is very smart and diligent picking flowers, it is sold and the money is used as pocket money in school. It is explained on the pages: 01, 07, 13,14, 49,50, 79, 88, 93, 154, 167, 181, 198, 206, 217, 224, 236, 239, 246, 264
·         Smart:
Made Sanjaya is very smart. He is an expert in mathematics and participated in mathematics Olympiad.
·         Patient:
Made Sanjaya has a patient attitude,
is ever bullied by Komang Adi who made him cry at home, and he is also bullied by Ketut Sujana who caused them to fight in the fields.
·         Angry:
Made Sanjaya very rarely shows his angry attitude to his friends, Made Sanjaya is very angry if there are friends who is bullied members of his family, Made Sanjaya likes to slam his bike cycle, if he is very angry.
·         Good Person:
Made Sanjaya is a good person, he helps Komang Adi in making math tasks and he never made mistakes to his friends
·         Diligent:
Made Sanjaya is a diligent child, he always picks flowers in the fields for pocket money to school, even he late to school for helping his mother make a cake
Komang Adi

Komang Adi has a suspicious nature with the behavior Made Sanjaya, Komang Adi is very famous, because he can not keep his mouth. Every night, Komang Adi borrows Made Sanjaya's brain to make math problems. Komang Adi is a good friend Made Sanjaya, he always get a free ride his friend when traveling. . It is explained on the pages: 07, 08, 39, 46, 95, 186, 189, 195, 198.

·         Arrogant:
Komang Adi has arrogant attitude, he asks Made Sanjaya to change his bike cycle by requesting a motorcycle to Wayan Darsana.
·         Grumpy:
Komang Adi has a grumpy character; he has an enemy named Ketut Sujana, Putu Bandiyasa, and Gede Sudarsika. Not only that, Putu Yasa as his best friend ever scolded by Komang Adi.
·         Good Person:
Although Komang Adi has an arrogant and grumpy attitude, he is a good person. He always helps Made Sanjaya when he back to home from making group task and accompany Made Sanjaya back to home when beaten by a mysterious person.
·         Ignorat:
Komang Adi ever does the ignorance when back to from Darma’s home. He leaves Putu Yasa on the road, it causes Putu Yasa to be afraid

Putu Yasa

Putu Yasa is a good boy; he has a hobby of eating. He is his best friend Made Sanjaya and Komang Adi. . It is explained on the pages: 29, 35, 37, 39, 93, 94, 141,153, 231, 232, 366.
·         Coward:
Putu Yasa has a cowardly nature, he once moaned in fear when left by Komang Adi. He was very afraid of passing the junction Lawang, because, there is a tragedy of heart thieves.
·         Good Person:
Komang has a good attitude, he never makes mistakes to his friends, and he really likes to muffle Komang Adi’s anger.
·         Loves to Eat:
Putu Yasa has a large body size, he is very love of eating kelepon cake wich is made by Made’s mother.

Surasmi is a widow; she is a kelepon cake maker. He is very love of his children. It is explained on the pages: 18,19, 32, 33, 219, 224, 228, 229.
·         Good Person:
Sutarsih is a good woman, she is never angry with her children. she always gives the guidance of her children to always do good.
·         Diligent:
He always makes Kelepon cakes for sale in the market.
Wayan Darsana

Darsana is a diligent man and loves to guide Made Sanjaya to be a good boy. It is explained on the pages: 19-28, 34, 39, 40, 125-139, 165, 168-170, 217, 219,
·         Good Person:
Wayan Darsana is a good man; he always obeys his mothers advice.
·         Patient:
Wayan Darsana has a patient nature, when Made Sanjaya was angry; Wayan Darsana never does physical violence to Made Sanjaya. However, he always guides and motivates Made Sanjaya.
·         Diligent
A work done by women, it can be done by Wayan Darsana. He always helps his mother make kelepon cakes and sell it to the market.
·         Romantic
Wayan Darsana is always busy helping his mother, however, as a man he has to find a girl friend. He gives a gem ring to Ni Luh Witarsih


Jayanti is a woman who wears glasses and is well dressed; she is a good friend of Made Sanjaya. It is explained on the pages: 81-89, 143, 144-148, 151, 231-233, 236, 246.
·         Smart:
Jayanti is a well-spoken woman when she meets with Ketut Sujana, Jayanti has the ability to analyze a problem. he also participated in the Olympics.
·         Good Person:
Jayanti is a good woman, even though she looks horrible. He always motivates Made Sanjaya to study harder in the Olympics, which makes Made Sanjaya like Jayanti.
·         Critical:
Jayanti has the ability to think critically, it makes Komang Adi afraid to see Jayanti, even Ketut Sujana afraid of Jayanti if they conflict talk
Nyoman Antari
Nyoman Antari is a woman who is always together with Jayanti, they are part of the gang of Made Sanjaya. It is explained on the pages: 141, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 152, 157, 159, 231, 232, 233, 236, 238, 245

·         Good Person:
Antari is a good woman; she never makes mistakes to her friends.
·         Smart:
Antari is very in science subject and she also ever award a trophy physics olympiad district level into the hands of principal

Dharma is a man who rarely associates with his friends, but he more often associate with the group Made Sanjaya. It is explained on the pages: 93, 94, 95,96, 144-147, 149.
·         Good Person:
Darma allows his home as a place of study groups for his friends.
Ketut Sujana
Ketut Sujana is a well-dressed man; however, he has a bad attitude with Made Sanjaya. It is explained on the pages: 153, 154, 156, 158, 208-215, 319-325.
·         Smart:
Sujana is very smart at school and participated in the Olympics. He speaks like Shakespeare full of metaphors.
·         Bad Attitude:
He always makes Made Sanjaya angry, he also made plans to uproot the flowers and persecute Made Sanjaya in the fields. He also ever strangled Sudarsika in the canteen.
Gede Sudarsika
Sudarsana is bodyguard of Ketut Sujana, he has a bigger body than Komang Adi and loves to eat. It is explained on the pages: 62-75, 77, 78, 152, 157, 208, 209, 214, 247, 248, 251, 253, 259, 318, 320,  322, 324.
·         Loves to Eat:
Sudarsika is very love of eating; he can spend 3 bowls of mie. However, it is paid by Ketut Sujana.
·         Bad Attitude:
Sudarsika likes to use Ketut Sujana to get free meal. He also persecutes Made Sanjaya in the fields.

Putu Bandiyasa
Bandiyasa is the bodyguard of Ketut Sujana, he is trapped in a Sudarsika trap that involved Bandi becoming a member of the group Sujana. It is explained on the pages: 76, 78, 152, 153, 157, 208, 247, 257, 259, 318, 320, 322-326, 329, 331-336, 345.

·         Bad Attitude:
Bandiyasa goes with Ketut Sujana to persecute Made Sanajaya in the fields, and He destroys the flower garden Made Sanjaya.
·         Coward:
Bandiyasa is too scared to take a decision that cause,
he must be bodyguard Ketut Sujana.
·         Good Person:
Bandiyasa helps Made Sanjaya to go home, when, Made Sanjaya bled out the blood of the field
Ni Luh Witarsih
Witarsih is a very beautiful woman; she often goes to Darsana’s house to help make cookies. Witarsih wiil be member of Darsana’s family. It is explained on the pages: 168-173
·         Good Person:
Witarsih is a good woman, she is very liked by Darsana and almost every day visit to Darsana house
·      Diligent:
Wartasih is a diligent woman, she always helps Darsana’s house

G     Criticism, Appreciation, and Suggestion By The Reader
a)      The reader has a critique for this novel:
-          The author is still less consistent in introducing characters with full names such as Jayanti and Surasmi.
-          Name selection on novel is better using Ibu
-          Correction word on page: 169. Telambat (terlambat), 172. Gagap (gugup)
b)    The reader gives appreciation to the author of the novel Putih Biru:
This novel is very nice and easy to read and writing neatly. Figurative of speech is very good.
c)    Suggestion

Hopefully the results of criticism from the reader is useful for the author to be better in the future

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