1.1. Background
Morphology as one of the most important
studies in linguistics is very important for students as English learners. It
studies about how the words are built up from the smallest pieces.
Understanding the formation of those words is very useful for the learners
since English is considered as the foreign language in Indonesia. The learners
learn the words and try to know how to use and organize them. This process is a
part of morphological process in English. The morphological process of English
teaches English learners the rules for forming new word such as verb, noun,
adjective, adverb becoming other word classes. Through this morphological
process, the formation of new word from another word classes is done by putting
affixation to the existing word, for example the noun form of friend becomes
the adjective form friendly by adding suffix -ly.
Moreover, the joining of two words or more
can express new meanings when they are written separately, as a one word, or hyphenated.
A word may also have different meanings when it is added by some affixes. This
process happens in word-formation processes. Yule (2010) classifies
word-formation processes into nine: coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending,
back-formation, conversion, acronyms, derivation, and multiple-processes. This
research discusses compounding as a part of word-formation processes. This
topic is chosen because compound words have specific characteristics in their
morphological aspects, such as the types, the orthographic features, and the
meanings of compounds. The selected articles are chosen because a lot of
formations of compound words are not written in simple way but more complex.
1.2. The Formulation of the Problem.
The formulation of the problem this paper is
to knowing about definition
of compound words, and
types of compound words.
1.3. The objective of the Problem.
The objective of the problem is to discuss
about definition
of compound words, and
types of compound words.
2.1. Definition of Compound Words
Compound words are formed when
two or more words are put together to form a new word with a new meaning. They
can function as different parts of speech, which can dictate what form the
compound takes on. For example, the word carry over is an open compound word
when it’s used as a verb but it is closed when used as a noun and an adjective.
Compound words are so prevalent in the English language we don’t think much
about them – until it’s time to write them. Then we often have to stop and
think about how they’re put together.
2.2. Types of Compound Words
Open compound word
open compound word is created in cases when the modifying adjective is used
with its noun to create a new noun. This isn’t quite the same as a noun with a
modifying adjective. We just use a space between the adjective and the noun, so
sometimes it can be hard to identify as a compound; however, if the two words
are commonly used together, it is considered to be a compound word.
Examples of word:
cream Grand jury
in Post office
estate Middle
moon Attorney
Examples of sentence:
Ice cream is my favorite dessert.
The line at the post
office snaked all the way out the door and around the corner.
Rhonda is my half
There must be a full
moon out tonight.
Closed compound words
Closed compound words look like one word. At
one point, these words weren’t used together, but they’re now accepted as a
“real word” in the English language. Closed compound words are usually made up
of only two words. Here are some closed compound examples words and sentences.
Examples of word:
Cannot Baseball
Fireworks Grandmother
Elsewhere Upside
Together Sunflower
Crosswalk Become
Basketball Moonlight
Football Railroad
Anybody Weatherman
Skateboard Earthquake
Everything Sometimes
Schoolhouse Upstream
Fireflies Grasshopper
Inside Playthings
The English language is always evolving, and
when words become used more frequently, they are often eventually written as
one word. When the Internet first began, for example, we talked about going
on-line. Now that this is a daily experience for most of us, the spelling
online has become commonly accepted.
Examples of sentence:
I love the fireworks on the fourth of July.
Make sure you hold hands when you come to the crosswalk.
The ocean was bathed in moonlight.
Did you hear amount the terrible earthquake?
The fireflies buzzed in the night sky.
Hyphenated compound words
Hyphenated compound words are connected by a
hyphen. To avoid confusion, modifying compounds are often hyphenated,
especially when they precede a noun such as in the case of part-time teacher,
high-speed chase, and fifty-yard dash. When they come after the noun they are
open compounds: a chase that is high speed, a teacher that is part time, etc.
Comparative and superlative adjectives are hyphenated when they are compounded
with other modifiers: the highest-priced computer, the lower-priced car.
Adverbs that end in –ly and compounded with another modifier are not modified:
a highly rated restaurant, a publicly held meeting.
Examples of word:
One-half Mother-in-law
Eighty-six One-third
Merry-go-round Well-being
Mass-produced Over-the-counter
Examples of sentence:
My mother-in-law is coming for a visit.
The merry-go-round at the carnival thrilled Ella.
Some over-the-counter drugs can have serious side effects.
If you’re concerned for your well-being make sure you eat healthy foods
and get plenty of exercise.
It’s true the rules for compound words can be a bit ambiguous at times.
The best thing to do when you have a question about a compound word is look it
up. Often times you’ll find options with the preferred choice listed first. The
bottom line is that the only way to know for sure how to spell compounds is to
consult an authoritative source: a good dictionary.
Pam Marshall, ‘k12reader’,
Accessed May 29, 2018
Yule, G. 2010. The Study of
Language: Fourth Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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