Senin, 28 November 2016

Simple Sentece, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex

A.    Simple Sentece.
1.      Yatra is studying English now.
2.      Tisa has been listening to music for an hour.
3.      My friends read newspaper everyday.
B.     Compound Sentence.
1.      I will go to Bandung or Jakarta.
2.      I wanted to buy a new house, so I started to save my money.
3.      Let’s go to the swimming pool, for it’s hot inside the house.
C.     Complex Sentece.
1.      I didn’t want to drink that tea because it was too hot.
2.      Though my mother is so sad, she doesn’t cry.
3.      Whenever you call me, I am ready to come.
D.    Compound-Complex Sentence.
1.      You can take a notebook or phone that you need, but don’t take this bag because it belongs to my uncle.
2.      Aldi, who works out thrice a week, has a ideal figure; therefore, she always looks healthy and energetic.

3.      You can eat meatball while doing your homework, so you can finish your homework without getting hungry.

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