Senin, 28 November 2016


How make to Cassavas Tapai.
The things you will need :
1.      5 kg cassavas
2.      5 seeds yeast (special for making tapai)
3.      Banana leaves
4.      A big pot
5.      A knife
6.      5 big bowls (to place the cassavas)
7.      A big plate
8.      A scoop
Methods on making it :
First of all, peel the cassavas with a knife and clean cassavas. Then, wash cassavas with some water until they’re fully cleaned and chop cassavas into pieces.
Prepare a stove and a big pot to cook the cassava pieces. When they’re being hot, put the pieces into the big pot and cover it. Steam them until they’re fully cooked.
After they’re fully cooked, put cassavas  into a big plate with a scoop, and let cassava for being slightly cold. Meanwhile, prepare some yeast for the fermentation. Crush it into powder. Prepare some banana leaves.
When the cassava pieces are not really hot anymore, spread some crushed yeast into them and put them into the banana leaves (about 4-5 pieces) and spread some more crushed yeast onto them. Then, wrap let the fermentation occur for about 2-3 days. If you already textured soft and easily pierced by a fork means fermented cassava we made ready to be served
Exercises of Procedure Text “How to Make a Tapai”.
1.      how we need cassava and yeast? 5 kg cassavas, 2 seeds yeast
2.      why do we need banana leaves to make a Tapai? to wrap that will be fermentation cassava
3.      how long fermentation cassava and yeast? for about 2-3 days

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