Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017

Education in SMPN 2 Bangli

   In Bangli Regency, there are many Junior High Schools or SMP. It makes the students easy to continue school after graduated from Elementary School. For example, like the Elementary School of SDN 4 Kubu, this school nearby SMPN 2 Bangli. This school is a good place because to the south is SMAN 2 Bangli, and to the east is IHDN Campus. After graduated, the students will be easy to continue school. However, each school has different education. Here, I will explain education of SMPN 2 Bangli.
    SMPN 2 Bangli uses Curriculum 2013 or K-13. It makes the teachers teach 24 hours in 1 week. In the morning, all students clean school area and the teachers monitor all students when cleaning school area. It makes this school always clean. After clean, the students pray together, and then, a teacher gives character education in the schoolyard to make the students discipline, honest, confident, and always helpful.
   The process of education at SMPN 2 Bangli starts from 07.30 until 12.50. Many teachers are still confused about using K-13 because the teachers are as facilitator or guiding for the student. It makes the teachers don’t explain the material. However, the teachers keep explaining the material. In learning activities, there are some students not discipline in the class, for example noisy in the class, disrupt a friend, and rarely there are the students who don’t ask permission before leaving the class. It needs a long time to change attitude the students to be better.
   So, it can be concluded that all process need a long time and nothing instant. In SMPN 2 Bangli, many teachers have spirit to change attitude of student. The teachers always reprimand naughty students or giving punishment and the teachers also need a long time to apply K-13. Because, it is a new curriculum used at SMPN 2 Bangli, and this school included in Adiwiyata category because, it is always clean and this school is nearby education center.


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